NYC Bicyclist Fatalities Climbing Dramatically This Year
In all of 2018, there were 10 cyclists killed in traffic accidents in New York City. This year – and we are just halfway through 2019 – there have already been 10 bicyclist deaths. In just one recent week, there were 3 cyclist deaths in Brooklyn alone. In fact, 8 of the total...
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Tanker Trailer Accidents Involving Hazardous Cargo Are Particularly Dangerous
24/7, 365 days a year, tanker trailers are carrying materials on America’s highways – 3 billion tons each year! The materials transported by tanker trucks can be as harmless as pool water and milk. However, these trucks also carry toxic and dangerous fluids, including oil and gas, corrosive chemicals, biohazards,...
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June 20, 2019
| Personal Injury
Helicopter Rooftop Crash Kills Pilot in New York City
Workers, tradespeople, tourists, and residents were alarmed recently by what many took to be explosions in a New York City building. Many recalled the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Instead, however, a privately-owned helicopter had crashed into the roof of the structure located between 51st and 52nd Streets. Tragically, the experienced...
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June 13, 2019
| Personal Injury
Put Safety First When Enjoying Summer Fireworks
With summer right around the corner, we think of barbecues and beach outings and fireworks. Especially for the Fourth of July, one of our best American traditions! Unfortunately, every year thousands of people are treated for fireworks-related injuries in emergency rooms. Some are killed, often from careless or illegal use of these dangerous...
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June 6, 2019
| Car Accidents
Two NYC Residents Killed by Drunk Driver in Clifton Park
A drunk driver from Cohoes killed two New York City residents and seriously injured two others when he plowed into their car while they were stopped for a traffic light. The car accident occurred at the intersection of Route 9 and Usher Road in Clifton Park, NY. Police have charged the 58-year old driver...
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May 30, 2019
| Personal Injury
How Missed Medical Appointments Can Harm Your Personal Injury Claim
If you have been injured in any type of accident, you know that there are a lot of important things to do both immediately following the accident, plus for a long time afterward. You must get emergency medical care, work with multiple insurance carriers and their adjusters, take care of property...
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New York City Construction Worker Deaths on the Rise
Can you guess what the deadliest job is in New York City? Police officer, subway workers, taxi drivers or sanitation workers? Wrong! The jobs with the most fatalities and injuries in the City are construction jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Over the last five years, worksite fatalities have increased 33%. Incredibly, worksite injuries have...
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May 16, 2019
| Car Accidents
Avoid Drowsy Driving: Know the Signs of Driver Fatigue
We have all been there – found ourselves drowsy or falling asleep while driving. But we all do the same thing, and that is to try to keep ourselves awake by opening the window or turning up the volume on the music. Continuing to drive while drowsy is not the...
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