Driving on any of the public roads in White Plains comes with an obligation to follow traffic laws. It also requires you to operate your vehicle in a responsible manner and to ensure that the vehicle conforms to all safety regulations.
At some point, nearly every driver will have an encounter with the police, often involving a traffic citation. It is important to know that a police officer’s speedometer is a mere accusation of wrongdoing and we all have the right to contest that officer’s opinion with assistance from a skilled attorney. A White Plains traffic lawyer from StolzenbergCortelli, LLP is ready to perform a full investigation into the incident and present your case before the court or the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB).
Most traffic tickets that people receive will allege simple violations. This means that even if they accept responsibility for the ticket or the court returns a guilty finding, the penalties can only be financial (imposing a fine) or administrative (putting points on a driver’s license). These can still be powerful motivating factors to avoid punishment. For many drivers, contesting a ticket may be the only option to avoid losing their license to drive. Examples of these violations include:
Each of these examples gives the driver the option of contesting the ticket in court. In addition, some stops require a driver to appear in court. These generally involve allegations of endangering the public, such as by reckless operation or a DUI. A White Plains traffic attorney from the team at StolzenbergCortelli, LLP could contest any ticket that alleges a moving violation.
Once a person receives a traffic ticket, they have two options as to how to proceed. Drivers may simply choose to accept responsibility for the violation, pay the fines, and absorb the points on their driver’s license. However, they also have the choice to contest that ticket formally. The exact process for this will be different based on where the alleged traffic violation occurred.
For violations that occur in a major metropolitan area, the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) may have jurisdiction over the matter. In this scenario, drivers can request a formal hearing to take place in person, online, or by mail. A StolzenbergCortelli, LLP traffic violation attorney in White Plains recommends having these hearings in person to have the best opportunity to present an effective defense.
Other individuals will need to have their hearings in a traditional courthouse. These hearings always take place in person, and drivers will need to examine their tickets to determine the exact process for requesting a hearing date. Either of these choices presents a driver with a 30-day time limit to request a formal hearing, or else a court will presume their fault. Talking with one of our lawyers immediately allows them to get to work providing help as quickly as possible.
Receiving a traffic ticket presents you with an important choice. You may choose to pay the fines that come along with the ticket and accept the other potential consequences. You also have the option to contest the ticket in court or with the Traffic Violations Bureau. If you are considering contesting the ticket, you should reach out to a White Plains traffic lawyer from StolzenbergCortelli, LLP as soon as possible.
A traffic lawyer could guide you through the entire appeals process. This includes identifying which legal entity has jurisdiction over the matter, filing a formal request for a hearing, gathering evidence about the stop, and presenting arguments in court as to why you should not be penalized. Reach out to our team now, as the time to request an appeal may be running out.
StolzenbergCortelli LLP
305 Old Tarrytown Rd.
White Plains, NY